Cat killer Paul Zhang finally leaves NYC

Word on the street is that Paul Zhang has finally moved out of town. We don’t know exactly where he has moved to (it’s far out of state), but we intend to find out to warn animal advocates in his new home. I don’t really expect him to continue his virulent trap-and-kill philosophy, at least not right away. But since his conversion to the PETA way of thinking, he’s bound to encourage needless killing wherever he is.

Obviously this comes as a great relief to all of us in the NYC area, but his destructive actions have opened any number of cans of worms we’re left to deal with in his wake. We now know more than ever than TNR (and the cats it serves) has almost zero legal protection, we know that a single man can within a matter of months kill hundreds of cats wihtout anyone batting an eye (until, of course, he kills a beloved pet). Most of all, we know that the people we think of as leaders in the field will not really help when the situation calls for it. A lot of us believed that someone in authority would surely come out to publicly condemn Zhang’s activities when they were revealed, pursue legal action against him, and ensure this sort of thing couldn’t happen again. What we got was a lot of silence.

I’m  not necessarily disappointed by these revelations; in some ways it’s been good to have an incident like this happen if only to see how everybody involved reacts. And whatever is really going on behind the scenes here, the Paul Zhang incident just makes us all look bad. People barely understand TNR as it is, and now many of them know it only as ‘the guy who killed all those cats.’ If it had been handled correctly, it could have properly been framed as a lone psycho who deceived trusting rescuers. But by the time he moved on, it seems more like the entire local movement is so unsure of its own goals it didn’t know whether to denounce him or not.

Paul Zhang sighted at Queens ACC drop-off center

Center for Animal Care & Control, Manhattan, NYC

Now that the smoke has cleared a bit on the Paul Zhang incident, we should remain vigilant both for further actions by Mr Zhang as well as anybody else who may try to purposefully kill otherwise healthy cats. Zhang has quietly resumed some of his activities, although he is doing what he can to keep a low profile.

A tipster spotted Zhang dropping off cats last Wednesday (Feb 1) at the Queens ACC Receiving Center. This is not an actual shelter, rather it is a facility that accepts dumped animals and then transfers them to the actual shelters in Manhattan, Brooklyn or Staten Island (a cat’s final location is based on shelter space). There are drop-off centers in Queens and the Bronx (both boros were supposed to get their own shelters to alleviate the congestion and horrible conditions at the other ACC branches, but it looks like Intro 655 will do away with that plan, but that’s a separate discussion).

We don’t know who is hiring Zhang to trap and remove cats, by all accounts he is getting connected to jobs through a loose network of like-minded people. Unfortunately, there are still people out there who think trapping and killing feral cats is a viable solution. This ignores the obvious fact that by not changing the situation that produced the cats in the first place, you will soon have a new crop spring up. Of course, Mr Zhang’s motivations are pathological in nature: any cat he doesn’t personally care for is necessarily suffering and cannot take care of itself. To him, it is therefore better off dead.

Zhang had previously taken cats to the Manhattan and Brooklyn ACC shelters. So why is he taking them now to Queens? The best guess is that when he goes to the actual shelters, he is easily spotted by folks in the rescue community, who spread the word and get any cat he brings in pulled. If he can drop the cats off at one of these less-traveled locations, they are more likely to get processed without note, which means certain death for most of them.

The sad fact is for the most part nothing Zhang does is against the law. Free-roaming cats have almost no rights, and their caretakers in turn have few options. But when you examine what has happened, the killing of owned pets, the killing of healthy ferals, it becomes clear that none of this needed to happen. We’re hoping that if we increase awareness as to what he’s up to, eventually enough people will know about it and make their voices heard.

We need to stop Paul Zhang, and all the Paul Zhangs out there who think cats deserve to die just because they don’t fit into their extremely narrow view of what is acceptable.

The Unpromised One’s Blog: Stop cat killer Paul Zhang. (Brooklyn/Queens)

The Unpromised One’s Blog: Stop cat killer Paul Zhang. (Brooklyn/Queens)

Paul Zhang Cat KillerPaul Zhang Cat Killer

” Just trying to do my part to help spread awareness about a cat killer that has been kidnapping and killing cats in New York City by the name of Paul Zhang… “

Read Full Post HERE: The Unpromised One’s Blog: Stop cat killer Paul Zhang (Brooklyn/Queens)

Gothamist: Meet The Proud Cat Killer Of Brooklyn And Queens.

Gothamist: Meet The Proud Cat Killer Of Brooklyn And Queens.

Paul Zhang Cat Killer

Paul Zhang Cat Killer

“Dozens of cats in Brooklyn and Queens have been killed by an “angel of death” trained to trap-neuter-and-return, who now wants to do the right thing and “save” them, a fact which might never have come to light if it weren’t for one unfortunate orange cat from Bushwick named Anthony.”

Full Story here: Meet The Proud Cat Killer Of Brooklyn And Queens

Letter to vets concerning Paul Zhang

We’re sending the below letter out to every vet we can in the New York City area. Paul Zhang has been trapping indiscriminately and killing cats whether or not they have owners. The letter reminds vets it is against the law to euthanize another person’s pet without consent.

Re: Local cat trapper euthanizing owned pets

To all vets in the New York City Area:

Please be on the lookout for a man who may bring cats to your office for euthanasia. Some of the cats he has euthanized have owners; euthanizing another person’s pet is against the law. Continue reading

**NYC** Paul Zhang admits he is killing cats and will NOT stop!**NYC**

Note: This was originally posted on Facebook. Please check the original post for tons of comments, a few of which are very helpful.

Paul Zhang Cat Killer

Paul Zhang Cat Killer


Everyone please be aware of a man name Paul Zhang. He is Asian and is TNR certified. He is currently trapping feral/stray/friendly cats that belong in colonies as well as cats that might belong to people if they are indoor/outdoor cats THAT HE BELIEVES ARE NOT BEING FED OR CARED FOR and is euthanizing them.

About 2 weeks ago a woman in Brooklyn lost one of her cats. The cat was an indoor/outdoor cat but he would NEVER wander far. She also had a colony of cats in her neighborhood.12. THEY ALL DISAPPEARED.This was in Bushwick Avenue in Bushwick/Cypress Hills area of Brooklyn. After posting on Craigslist, Facebook and a Yahoo group, someone mention an Asian man who would trap cats and NEVER return them. I’ve been told that he tells everyone that the cats he traps are taken to sanctuaries and homes when he actually brings them to be euthanized. Continue reading