Gothamist: Don’t Let Crazies Kill Kitties, Get Trap-Neuter-Release Certified.

Gothamist: Don’t Let Crazies Kill Kitties, Get Trap-Neuter-Release Certified

“Though you may not see them, this city has many, many feral cats living in it. Though on a rare occasion somebody will turn up pushing a “solution” to the problem involving trapping and euthanizing them by the dozen (even cats that aren’t actually feral and have homes and owners), there are also many people and organizations working to help the feral cat population from getting worse. Especially since a recent bill  passed by the City Council endorsed the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) method—as practiced most notably by members of The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals —as the most humane and effective way to control the city’s cat population.”

Continues at Don’t Let Crazies Kill Kitties, Get Trap-Neuter-Release Certified (Gothamist).

Life With Cats: Anthony, beloved cat, loses his life to former TNR trapper turned mad killer.

Life With Cats: Anthony, beloved cat, loses his life to former TNR trapper turned mad killer.

“Anthony went missing on November 21, and he will never be coming home again. Despite his having a loving home with Marie Nasta of Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC, he was trapped and taken to be killed at a veterinary office by a zealot who evolved from a caretaker and TNR practitioner to a self-appointed merciful angel of death who baited and then trapped and arranged for the killing of entire colonies of cats, along with beloved and well cared for pets allowed or escaped outside in what were considered safe neighborhoods.

Paul Zhang, who was until recent days still affiliated with the NYC Mayor’s Alliance TNR program that operates in partnership between the city and rescuers and advocates, caught Anthony along with several other cats from his neighborhood. We are comfortable making this statement because Paul Zhang has admitted to killing Anthony and many other cats. After making denials, he acknowledged the killing to Marie Nasta and apologized.”

Article continues at link:

Life With Cats: Anthony, beloved cat, loses his life to former TNR trapper turned mad killer. (Life With Cats)

The Unpromised One’s Blog: Stop cat killer Paul Zhang. (Brooklyn/Queens)

The Unpromised One’s Blog: Stop cat killer Paul Zhang. (Brooklyn/Queens)

Paul Zhang Cat KillerPaul Zhang Cat Killer

” Just trying to do my part to help spread awareness about a cat killer that has been kidnapping and killing cats in New York City by the name of Paul Zhang… “

Read Full Post HERE: The Unpromised One’s Blog: Stop cat killer Paul Zhang (Brooklyn/Queens)

Gothamist: Meet The Proud Cat Killer Of Brooklyn And Queens.

Gothamist: Meet The Proud Cat Killer Of Brooklyn And Queens.

Paul Zhang Cat Killer

Paul Zhang Cat Killer

“Dozens of cats in Brooklyn and Queens have been killed by an “angel of death” trained to trap-neuter-and-return, who now wants to do the right thing and “save” them, a fact which might never have come to light if it weren’t for one unfortunate orange cat from Bushwick named Anthony.”

Full Story here: Meet The Proud Cat Killer Of Brooklyn And Queens