The Unpromised One’s Blog: Stop cat killer Paul Zhang. (Brooklyn/Queens)

The Unpromised One’s Blog: Stop cat killer Paul Zhang. (Brooklyn/Queens)

Paul Zhang Cat KillerPaul Zhang Cat Killer

” Just trying to do my part to help spread awareness about a cat killer that has been kidnapping and killing cats in New York City by the name of Paul Zhang… “

Read Full Post HERE: The Unpromised One’s Blog: Stop cat killer Paul Zhang (Brooklyn/Queens)

3 thoughts on “The Unpromised One’s Blog: Stop cat killer Paul Zhang. (Brooklyn/Queens)

  1. Thanks to the Writers of this Blog, for dramatically raising Public Awareness on Paul Zhang. Here is a man with known pathological tendencies towards Cats and the fact that he is mentally challenged – being actually exploited by opportunistic Masterminds, to so-called ‘cleanse’ the streets of innocent, little feral, stray and domestic Cats!!! Anonymous Persons hired him and he has been spotted dropping cats off at Queens ACC – which are very likely cats he has removed from the streets, because he nurtures the sick and abnormal belief, that any cat he does not personally care for – is actually better off DEAD!!! That the Law continues to fail to offer rights, or protection towards these helpless, little cats is a matter for serious Public concern and a concern for every pet owner and animal lover – which requires URGENT redress. Could such practices be ANOTHER unethical reason for the sheer number of terrified, bewildered Cats appearing each day on ‘Death Row’? Thank-you for having the Will, the Motivation, the Courage and the Determination to speak out and to rally support, so that – hopefully SOONER rather than later – catnapping and killing is no longer a possible consequence of Tiger patrolling his territory, or Fluff basking in a little sunshine outdoors!

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